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Dental Restorations Will Preserve Your Natural Teeth

Dental RestorationsIn our Chatsworth office, we use dental restorations to preserve teeth that would otherwise have to be pulled.  It is incredibly important to keep your natural teeth in place for as long as possible.  Most people think of their teeth and consider their smile or how they need teeth to chew.  Both are true and good reasons to keep your smile in excellent health.  Still, there is an even greater reason – your jawbone.  If your tooth falls out and isn’t replaced, with something like an implant, you could experience significant bone loss that eventually changes the appearance of your face.  Considering how everything in the body works together, our job is to restore teeth so that they can continue performing their critical functions.

There are several ways that we can do so, and the recommended treatment plan will depend on the extent of the damage.  If, for example, you simply have cavities, we will remove the decayed portion of your tooth and use a dental filling to restore it.  This can be done with a tooth-colored filling that looks entirely natural. If the damage is more extensive like a crack, chip or the enamel has worn away, we will need to consider other cosmetic solutions. Dental restorations like veneers and crowns are often preferred for adults while youths may prefer dental bonding.  A bonding procedure can be completed in one session as a tooth-colored material is applied to the tooth, shaped, then hardened using a dental light.  Even chipped teeth can be restored using this method.

A dental veneer and dental crown work to restore the more significant damage and both operate in a similar fashion.  The main difference is that a veneer is a thin shell that is placed on top of the natural tooth where a dental crown surrounds the tooth.  In order to prepare a damaged tooth for either of these procedures, enamel must be removed from the surface of the tooth so that the restorative material will lay flat once placed.  This is done in the first visit where an impression is also taken of the teeth.  In order to protect the damaged and exposed tooth, a temporary veneer or crown will be placed on it that can be worn until the dental lab is done creating the permanent one.

Once the permanent veneer or crown is ready, patients return to our Chatsworth office to have it bonded into place.  First, we will make any last minute adjustments and ensure that it is a perfect match.  In the case of a dental crown, we also need to check the bite to ensure that it fits correctly with the surrounding teeth.  If it does, we can complete the procedure.  Both of these dental restorations are designed to match your natural teeth so they will look perfect once in place.  Our restorations will allow you to eat like normal and bite down without discomfort.  Most importantly, your smile will remain healthy and intact.  To get started, call (818) 709-6713 and schedule a dental exam.


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